Guide on Pediatric Check-Up Schedule

Guide on Pediatric Check-Up Schedule

As a parent, ensuring your child’s health and well-being is essential. Keeping up with their pediatric check-up schedule is critical to safeguarding their health. These routine visits are essential for tracking physical growth, monitoring developmental milestones and receiving timely vaccinations. Here is a breakdown of the recommended pediatric check-up schedule to keep your child healthy.

Why Pediatric Check-Ups Matter?

Pediatric check-ups provide an opportunity for your child’s doctor to:

  • Monitor growth and development
  • Administer necessary vaccines
  • Detect potential health concerns early
  • Offer guidance on nutrition, safety, and behavior

Regular visits help ensure that your child’s health remains on track preventing future complications.

Newborn and Infant Check-Ups (0 to 12 Months)

During the first year of life, your baby will see the pediatrician frequently to monitor its rapid growth and development. You should take your baby during the following periods: 

  • Within 48 to 72 hours after birth
  • In 2 weeks
  • At 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months

These visits focus on tracking weight, height, head circumference and developmental milestones like motor skills and early language development. The pediatrician will also administer key vaccines like Hepatitis B, DTaP, and MMR during this period.

Toddler Check-Ups (1 to 3 Years)

Toddler Check-Ups

During the toddler years, check-ups are typically scheduled at:

  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 2 years
  • 2.5 years
  • 3 years

At this stage, doctors will monitor speech development, cognitive milestones and social behavior. Vaccinations such as the final doses of DTaP and MMR are also given during these visits.

Preschool and School-Age Check-Ups (4 to 10 Years)

Once your child reaches age 4, annual check-ups are recommended. These visits help ensure your child is ready for school and other social interactions. In addition to checking height and weight, the doctor will assess vision, hearing and learning milestones. Immunizations like the flu shot and booster doses for earlier vaccines may also be administered during this phase.

Preteen and Teen Check-Ups (11 to 18 Years)

As your child enters the preteen and teenage years, check-ups continue to be yearly. These visits focus on puberty, emotional health and lifestyle changes. The pediatrician will also discuss diet, physical activity and screen for conditions like scoliosis. Key vaccines such as the HPV vaccine and meningococcal shots are also given at this stage.


Staying on top of your child’s pediatric check-up schedule is crucial for their long-term health. These visits ensure that any potential health concerns are addressed early and allow you to receive expert advice as your child grows.

Why KidsCur?

KidsCur will provide you with the pediatric check-up schedule on one platform. This will help you to stay on track with the vaccination schedule and give your child the required vaccine on time. We help you to track your baby’s appointments, manage health care records and find top doctors near your location. To find out more about our childcare services, contact us!   


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