
How do you teach your child about financial planning?

Teaching financial planning to Indian children is important for their future financial well-being.
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How do you ensure online safety for your child?

The internet is a fantastic learning, connection, and entertainment resource. Still, it's essential to know the potential dangers lurking online. As your little one grows, tracking the latest trends and how we can protect our children from online risks is challenging. As a parent, we know your child's safety is your top priority.
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How to ensure that the needs of your children are balanced equally?

Balancing the needs of both children can be challenging for any parent. However, with the right strategies, you can create a harmonious and loving environment where each child feels valued and understood.
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A guide for parents to soothe an anxious child 

 Anxiety in children can be challenging for both the child and the adults. However, with love, support, and understanding, one can make a significant positive impact on a child dealing with anxiety.
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Table Manners for a Child.

Learning table manners helps in a long way. Firstly the child will get up to help the parents and relatives which shows independent thinking and individuality which helps a child to make decisions on their own without depending on anybody else, However every large step needs to be taken with a small step. 
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How do you discipline your child healthily?

There comes a time when every parent struggles with how best to discipline their child. Rather than punishment and what not to do, the positive discipline approach puts an emphasis on developing a healthy relationship with your child and setting expectations around behaviour.
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A Guide to Baby-Proofing Your Home

As a parent, ensuring the safety of your infant is paramount. Baby-proofing your home can be a challenging task, but breaking it down into manageable parts can make the process smoother.
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Helping Your Child with a Low Attention Span: Effective Strategies

Discover effective strategies to help children with low attention spans improve their focus. Learn about the importance of routine, reducing distractions, proper rest and nutrition, and breaking tasks into steps to support your child's attention skills.
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7 modern social skills every child needs

When we follow basic traffic laws, we also respect other things. Someone rightly said that if we are not corrected when we are small, it is too late to fix someone after that person becomes an adult, so start young to mold them to make them strong individuals for the future.
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Simple traffic rules that our children can learn

When we follow basic traffic laws, we also respect other things. Someone rightly said that if we are not corrected when we are small, it is too late to fix someone after that person becomes an adult, so start young to mold them to make them strong individuals for the future.
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Holi Playtime: Ensuring Colorful and Safe Fun for Your Kids

As a parent, there are countless responsibilities you have to balance every day. Between work, household chores, and taking care of your children, it can be tempting to cut corners and skip dinner with your kids in favour of checking items off your to-do list.
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Memory tips to ace your exams.

With the exams around the corner for most of the students, here are some tips that may help boost your memory power and help you ace your exams.
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Understanding Emotions: Caring for Communication After Conflict

It's important to begin a conversation with children after a quarrel or argument by showing empathy and compassion. Encourage them to be honest in expressing their opinions and feelings. Tell them you're here to listen to them and to support them, and that it's acceptable to feel angry or annoyed. As you support them through their feelings, you can develop a closer relationship and impart useful conflict-resolution techniques.
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Growing Strong: The Importance of Regular Health Checkups for Kids

Frequent health examinations are essential for guaranteeing children's development and well-being. It's similar to taking preventative measures to monitor their development and health from a young age.
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Routines to ensure that every day is a good day as a parent

the KidsCur calendar can be a useful tool for keeping track of events and helping your child develop a sense of routine. It is critical to be flexible and adapt to your child's needs and interests. Have fun and cherish these beautiful moments with your little one! Enjoy creating memories together!
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Raising Respectful Kids: Overcoming Rude Behavior with Love and Patience

Discover effective strategies for dealing with rebellious children in this insightful article. Learn tactics like setting clear limits, fostering empathy, and employing positive reinforcement. Explore essential guidelines including remaining calm, establishing clear boundaries, and promoting empathy. Communicate openly, offer positive reinforcement, and lead by example to encourage polite behavior. Adapt these methods to suit your child's age and personality for effective results.
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Constructive behaviors to engage in with children

As parents, there are some positive behaviors you can follow when interacting with kids
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When Should You Start Taking Your Child to the Dentist? A Guide for Parents

As parents, ensuring the well-being of our children is always a top priority. One aspect of their health that should not be overlooked is dental care.
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Dinner is Better When We Eat Together

As a parent, there are countless responsibilities you have to balance every day. Between work, household chores, and taking care of your children, it can be tempting to cut corners and skip dinner with your kids in favour of checking items off your to-do list.
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The Importance of National Girl Child Day

National Girl Child Day is commemorated on 24th January of every year to raise awareness among the public regarding inequalities, prejudice, and exploitation faced by girls in society for generations. A girl-child should be nurtured and given care.
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What Are the Features of the Best App for Tracking Baby Development?

As a parent, you want to make sure that your baby is growing and developing properly. But how do you know if your little one is on track? With so much information out there, it can be hard to decide which app is the best for tracking your baby’s development.
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Home Remedies for Diaper Rashes

Every new parent has to deal with diaper rashes at some point. Here are some home remedies to help soothe your baby's skin and make them more comfortable. These home remedies for diaper rashes
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The Benefits of Using a Child Development Tracker App

If you're a parent, then you know that one of the most important things in your child's life is their development. You want to make sure that they're hitting all of their milestones on time, and that they're
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The Baby Milestones Tracker

If you're a parent, chances are you've been bombarded with advice from well-meaning friends and family members about which milestones your baby should be hitting and when.
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4 Reasons Why KidsCur Is The Best App For Parenting

Being a parent is hard enough, but being a parent in the digital age comes with its own unique set of challenges. With so much of our lives moving online, it can be tough to keep up with all
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The Baby Milestone Tracker Every Parent Needs

From the moment our little ones are born, we are constantly tracking their milestones. "Is she sleeping through the night yet?" "When did he start crawling?" "How many words does she know?"
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How To Track My Baby’s Development With A Baby Growth Chart App

When you're expecting, it's easy to get caught up in all of the planning and preparation. Once your baby arrives, you'll need to start thinking about how you can keep track of its growth and development.
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The Best Sleeping Practices for Your Baby

Ensuring that your baby gets enough sleep is crucial for their development. That may seem like a lot, but there are a number of factors that can contribute to disruptions in your baby's sleep...
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Going Back to Work While Breastfeeding

The decision to return to work after having a baby is a difficult one. For working mothers who are breastfeeding, the choice can be even more complicated. On one hand, you want to provide for your...
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Top 5 Super Foods To Increase Breastfeeding

As a new mom, you want to do everything in your power to give your baby the best start in life. One of the best things you can do for your baby is to breastfeed. Not only is breastfeeding...
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Tips To Care for A Premature Baby At Home

Caring for a premature baby can be a difficult and daunting task. There are many things to consider and keep in mind. However, by following these baby care tips, you can make the process...
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What To Do Next When Your Baby is Not Meeting Milestones of Growth Tracker App?

As parents, we are concerned about our children’s development and well-being. We constantly check the milestones in the baby growth tracker app to fend off our worries. But imagine the horror...
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Top Myths on Baby Vaccination and Their Real Facts

Technology has made parenting easy to a great extent. For instance, there is the baby vaccination tracker app that lets you keep track of your baby’s immunization schedules with prompt reminders. These apps...
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Tips To Find the Best Dress For Your Baby

Ask any parents what they enjoy the most in parenting and they will instantly reply only one thing-shopping for baby clothes. However, there are mothers who find this task confusing. Buying clothes for your...
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What Are Baby Growth Spurts?

As a parent, you will be checking a baby growth chart to determine the development of your little one. There is nothing more beautiful than watching your baby grow right in front of your eyes. These are...
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All You Need To Know About National Nutrition Week 2022

The past years have taught us the importance of maintaining self immunity. To communicate the importance of nutrition to the masses at large, India observes the National Nutrition Week from...
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Things to Know About Child Development

The past years have taught us the importance of maintaining self immunity. To communicate the importance of nutrition to the masses at large, India observes the National Nutrition Week from...
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Wholesome Recipes To Improve Your Child’s Immunity for Janmashtami 2022

Janmashtami or Gokulashtami celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna. The devotees of Lord Krishna deck themselves in new clothes and spend the day visiting temples and hearing bhajans. Apart from...
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5 Ways To Keep Your Baby Safe From Changing Weather

Weather changes can affect the well-being of your baby. Unlike adults, babies can't adjust fast enough to the changing temperatures. The fluctuating weather conditions are extremely distressing...
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Learn the Benefits of Baby Wearing

You might have seen parents strolling around casually with babies strapped on their chests. Is it a big deal to carry babies like that? For one thing, babies can be quite heavy to carry around all day...
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Why Baby Growth Charts Need To Be Followed Carefully

A baby growth chart helps parents to track the growth and development of their beloved children. While is quite foolish to compare your child’s growth and development with other kids...
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How Useful Is A Child Vaccination Tracker App?

Welcome to the world of parenting. Once the initial hustle-bustle of parenting gets settled, you will have to focus on the timely vaccination of the newest member of the family. For anyone, keeping up...
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Your Ultimate Guide on Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a memorable and special moment due to many reasons, some of which include the following, Ideal nutrition for your baby until he starts solids Cost-effective Special bonding moment...
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The Importance of Tracking Child Development Milestones

It’s completely normal for moms to get worried about the child development milestones of their little ones. My baby has not turned over at six months. He has not started walking in ten months...
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Baby Care Tips; Common Mistakes To Avoid

Whether you are a first-time parent or a seasoned one, you are bound to commit mistakes during parenting. After all, parenting is not a race to win. After the first joy of holding your little one for...
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Top Tips To Increase Bonding With Your Newborn Baby

Even the world’s greatest blockbuster movie would fail at the cuteness of a newborn. During pregnancy, you might have dreamt of spending some quality time with your baby. Now that you have your...
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How to Give a Massage to Your Baby

Massage time with your babies is a proper time to bond with them. Even paediatricians agree that skin-to-skin contact with babies will have numerous health benefits for them. In fact, many researchers have...
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Urad Dal Recipes to Help Kids Gain Weight

Black gram or urad dal is a common staple in Indian cooking. The Northern and Southern cuisines make good use of this grain which is a powerhouse of protein. However, did you know including...
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How to Keep Your Baby Safe from Seasonal Flu and Cold

It is inevitable that seasonal flu and cold will torment your little infant. Young babies have a developing immune system which makes them vulnerable to the viruses that cause colds and flu. Moreover, if your infant...
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Baby Care Tips While Starting Solids-The Do’s and Don’ts

Introducing solid foods to your baby’s diet makes them a real eater. However, parents can become quite overwhelmed and confused with the conflicting baby care tips and recommendations. Paediatrici...
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Newborn Babycare Tips for Colicky Babies

Does your baby seem fussy at times that you are not able to comfort them? Do they show crying spells that seem to last hours? Welcome to the most dreaded and challenging aspects of newborn pare...
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The Benefits of Digitalizing Baby Health Records

Digitalization has changed the basic perspectives of human life. Then, why not for health records as well. Everyone is well aware of the importance of maintaining proper health records. After all, having accu...
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Top Baby Care Tips While Traveling

Having a new member should not put an end note to your travel plans. Traveling with an infant is equally exciting if you are well prepared. Yes, you may have extra bags to take care of, but imagine the fun...
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Why Child Vaccination is Important

Parents always want the very best for their children. From baby gates, and toys, to car seats, they are willing to spend money on anything that can ensure the safety and well-being of their children. For new...
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Child Development Milestones : Explained

Child development milestones are the physical skills or behavior seen in children and infants as they develop and grow. Some examples of child development milestones include walking, crawling, rolling over...
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The Benefits of Baby Vaccination Tracker App

Once you have discharged from the hospital after the delivery, you will be given a long list of vaccination schedule to follow. The overall objective of vaccinations is to prevent the occurrence of certain diseases...
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Knowing Postpartum Depression-The Causes, Effects and Remedies

Having a baby is the most exciting and happiest moment for most of us. But, this may not be the case for all. For most of the first-time mothers, having a baby can be nothing short of an emotional ride...
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Useful Tips for First Time Parents

Congratulations. You have covered the difficult phases of labor, pregnancy and delivery. You have arrived home carrying your little bundle of joy. Well, what is next. As a first time parent, you may be too...
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Parenting Tips to have Quality and Fun-Filled Time with Kids

Parenting is never an easy task and no parent is ever perfect. There is no book bound rule for parenting and everyone is free to choose their own style. Parents play an important role in the physical...
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Never Do These 8 Things with Your Newborn

Bringing your little bundle of joy can be a nerve-wracking experience for parents-whether veterans or first-time. Now, it's time to roll up your sleeves and be extra careful on taking care of the newborn...
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Top Natural Remedies to Heal Skin Issues in Babies

That adorable waddle, the toothless grin, tiny hands are sure to melt your heart. Your little munchkin may suffer skin issues from time to time since it is all under a development stage. However, do not go for OTP...
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Your Ultimate Bathing Guide for Infants

Bath time is the perfect time to bond with your little infant. Between the giggles, coos, splashing and bubbles, you and your baby can fun time together. But, really worried about giving your newborn his...
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Top Myths on Baby Vaccination and Their Real Facts

Technology has made parenting easy to a great extent. For instance, there is the baby vaccination tracker app that lets you keep track of your baby’s immunization schedules with prompt reminders. These apps...
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How Useful Is A Child Vaccination Tracker App?

Welcome to the world of parenting. Once the initial hustle-bustle of parenting gets settled, you will have to focus on the timely vaccination of the newest member of the family. For anyone, keeping up...
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Why Child Vaccination is Important

Parents always want the very best for their children. From baby gates, and toys, to car seats, they are willing to spend money on anything that can ensure the safety and well-being of their children. For new...
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The Benefits of Baby Vaccination Tracker App

Once you have discharged from the hospital after the delivery, you will be given a long list of vaccination schedule to follow. The overall objective of vaccinations is to prevent the occurrence of certain diseases...
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Memory tips to ace your exams.

With the exams around the corner for most of the students, here are some tips that may help boost your memory power and help you ace your exams.
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Understanding Emotions: Caring for Communication After Conflict

It's important to begin a conversation with children after a quarrel or argument by showing empathy and compassion. Encourage them to be honest in expressing their opinions and feelings. Tell them you're here to listen to them and to support them, and that it's acceptable to feel angry or annoyed. As you support them through their feelings, you can develop a closer relationship and impart useful conflict-resolution techniques.
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Growing Strong: The Importance of Regular Health Checkups for Kids

Frequent health examinations are essential for guaranteeing children's development and well-being. It's similar to taking preventative measures to monitor their development and health from a young age.
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Routines to ensure that every day is a good day as a parent

the KidsCur calendar can be a useful tool for keeping track of events and helping your child develop a sense of routine. It is critical to be flexible and adapt to your child's needs and interests. Have fun and cherish these beautiful moments with your little one! Enjoy creating memories together!
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Raising Respectful Kids: Overcoming Rude Behavior with Love and Patience

Discover effective strategies for dealing with rebellious children in this insightful article. Learn tactics like setting clear limits, fostering empathy, and employing positive reinforcement. Explore essential guidelines including remaining calm, establishing clear boundaries, and promoting empathy. Communicate openly, offer positive reinforcement, and lead by example to encourage polite behavior. Adapt these methods to suit your child's age and personality for effective results.
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Constructive behaviors to engage in with children

As parents, there are some positive behaviors you can follow when interacting with kids
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What Are the Features of the Best App for Tracking Baby Development?

As a parent, you want to make sure that your baby is growing and developing properly. But how do you know if your little one is on track? With so much information out there, it can be hard to decide which app is the best for tracking your baby’s development.
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The Baby Milestones Tracker

If you're a parent, chances are you've been bombarded with advice from well-meaning friends and family members about which milestones your baby should be hitting and when.
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The Baby Milestone Tracker Every Parent Needs

From the moment our little ones are born, we are constantly tracking their milestones. "Is she sleeping through the night yet?" "When did he start crawling?" "How many words does she know?"
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How To Track My Baby’s Development With A Baby Growth Chart App

When you're expecting, it's easy to get caught up in all of the planning and preparation. Once your baby arrives, you'll need to start thinking about how you can keep track of its growth and development.
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What To Do Next When Your Baby is Not Meeting Milestones of Growth Tracker App?

As parents, we are concerned about our children’s development and well-being. We constantly check the milestones in the baby growth tracker app to fend off our worries. But imagine the horror...
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What Are Baby Growth Spurts?

As a parent, you will be checking a baby growth chart to determine the development of your little one. There is nothing more beautiful than watching your baby grow right in front of your eyes. These are...
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Things to Know About Child Development

The past years have taught us the importance of maintaining self immunity. To communicate the importance of nutrition to the masses at large, India observes the National Nutrition Week from...
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Why Baby Growth Charts Need To Be Followed Carefully

A baby growth chart helps parents to track the growth and development of their beloved children. While is quite foolish to compare your child’s growth and development with other kids...
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The Importance of Tracking Child Development Milestones

It’s completely normal for moms to get worried about the child development milestones of their little ones. My baby has not turned over at six months. He has not started walking in ten months...
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The Benefits of Digitalizing Baby Health Records

Digitalization has changed the basic perspectives of human life. Then, why not for health records as well. Everyone is well aware of the importance of maintaining proper health records. After all, having accu...
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Child Development Milestones : Explained

Child development milestones are the physical skills or behavior seen in children and infants as they develop and grow. Some examples of child development milestones include walking, crawling, rolling over...
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Wholesome Recipes To Improve Your Child’s Immunity for Janmashtami 2022

Janmashtami or Gokulashtami celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna. The devotees of Lord Krishna deck themselves in new clothes and spend the day visiting temples and hearing bhajans. Apart from...
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Urad Dal Recipes to Help Kids Gain Weight

Black gram or urad dal is a common staple in Indian cooking. The Northern and Southern cuisines make good use of this grain which is a powerhouse of protein. However, did you know including...
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Your Ultimate Guide on Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a memorable and special moment due to many reasons, some of which include the following, Ideal nutrition for your baby until he starts solids Cost-effective Special bonding moment...
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Top 5 Super Foods To Increase Breastfeeding

As a new mom, you want to do everything in your power to give your baby the best start in life. One of the best things you can do for your baby is to breastfeed. Not only is breastfeeding...
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Going Back to Work While Breastfeeding

The decision to return to work after having a baby is a difficult one. For working mothers who are breastfeeding, the choice can be even more complicated. On one hand, you want to provide for your...
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How to Give a Massage to Your Baby

Massage time with your babies is a proper time to bond with them. Even paediatricians agree that skin-to-skin contact with babies will have numerous health benefits for them. In fact, many researchers have...
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Top Tips To Increase Bonding With Your Newborn Baby

Even the world’s greatest blockbuster movie would fail at the cuteness of a newborn. During pregnancy, you might have dreamt of spending some quality time with your baby. Now that you have your...
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Baby Care Tips; Common Mistakes To Avoid

Whether you are a first-time parent or a seasoned one, you are bound to commit mistakes during parenting. After all, parenting is not a race to win. After the first joy of holding your little one for...
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Learn the Benefits of Baby Wearing

You might have seen parents strolling around casually with babies strapped on their chests. Is it a big deal to carry babies like that? For one thing, babies can be quite heavy to carry around all day...
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5 Ways To Keep Your Baby Safe From Changing Weather

Weather changes can affect the well-being of your baby. Unlike adults, babies can't adjust fast enough to the changing temperatures. The fluctuating weather conditions are extremely distressing...
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All You Need To Know About National Nutrition Week 2022

The past years have taught us the importance of maintaining self immunity. To communicate the importance of nutrition to the masses at large, India observes the National Nutrition Week from...
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Tips To Find the Best Dress For Your Baby

Ask any parents what they enjoy the most in parenting and they will instantly reply only one thing-shopping for baby clothes. However, there are mothers who find this task confusing. Buying clothes for your...
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Tips To Care for A Premature Baby At Home

Caring for a premature baby can be a difficult and daunting task. There are many things to consider and keep in mind. However, by following these baby care tips, you can make the process...
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The Best Sleeping Practices for Your Baby

Ensuring that your baby gets enough sleep is crucial for their development. That may seem like a lot, but there are a number of factors that can contribute to disruptions in your baby's sleep...
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4 Reasons Why KidsCur Is The Best App For Parenting

Being a parent is hard enough, but being a parent in the digital age comes with its own unique set of challenges. With so much of our lives moving online, it can be tough to keep up with all
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The Benefits of Using a Child Development Tracker App

If you're a parent, then you know that one of the most important things in your child's life is their development. You want to make sure that they're hitting all of their milestones on time, and that they're
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Home Remedies for Diaper Rashes

Every new parent has to deal with diaper rashes at some point. Here are some home remedies to help soothe your baby's skin and make them more comfortable. These home remedies for diaper rashes
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When Should You Start Taking Your Child to the Dentist? A Guide for Parents

As parents, ensuring the well-being of our children is always a top priority. One aspect of their health that should not be overlooked is dental care.
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Raising Respectful Kids: Overcoming Rude Behavior with Love and Patience

Discover effective strategies for dealing with rebellious children in this insightful article. Learn tactics like setting clear limits, fostering empathy, and employing positive reinforcement. Explore essential guidelines including remaining calm, establishing clear boundaries, and promoting empathy. Communicate openly, offer positive reinforcement, and lead by example to encourage polite behavior. Adapt these methods to suit your child's age and personality for effective results.
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Routines to ensure that every day is a good day as a parent

the KidsCur calendar can be a useful tool for keeping track of events and helping your child develop a sense of routine. It is critical to be flexible and adapt to your child's needs and interests. Have fun and cherish these beautiful moments with your little one! Enjoy creating memories together!
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Growing Strong: The Importance of Regular Health Checkups for Kids

Frequent health examinations are essential for guaranteeing children's development and well-being. It's similar to taking preventative measures to monitor their development and health from a young age.
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Understanding Emotions: Caring for Communication After Conflict

It's important to begin a conversation with children after a quarrel or argument by showing empathy and compassion. Encourage them to be honest in expressing their opinions and feelings. Tell them you're here to listen to them and to support them, and that it's acceptable to feel angry or annoyed. As you support them through their feelings, you can develop a closer relationship and impart useful conflict-resolution techniques.
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Memory tips to ace your exams.

With the exams around the corner for most of the students, here are some tips that may help boost your memory power and help you ace your exams.
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How to Keep Your Baby Safe from Seasonal Flu and Cold

It is inevitable that seasonal flu and cold will torment your little infant. Young babies have a developing immune system which makes them vulnerable to the viruses that cause colds and flu. Moreover, if your infant...
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Baby Care Tips While Starting Solids-The Do’s and Don’ts

Introducing solid foods to your baby’s diet makes them a real eater. However, parents can become quite overwhelmed and confused with the conflicting baby care tips and recommendations. Paediatrici...
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Newborn Babycare Tips for Colicky Babies

Does your baby seem fussy at times that you are not able to comfort them? Do they show crying spells that seem to last hours? Welcome to the most dreaded and challenging aspects of newborn pare...
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Top Baby Care Tips While Traveling

Having a new member should not put an end note to your travel plans. Traveling with an infant is equally exciting if you are well prepared. Yes, you may have extra bags to take care of, but imagine the fun...
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Knowing Postpartum Depression-The Causes, Effects and Remedies

Having a baby is the most exciting and happiest moment for most of us. But, this may not be the case for all. For most of the first-time mothers, having a baby can be nothing short of an emotional ride...
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Useful Tips for First Time Parents

Congratulations. You have covered the difficult phases of labor, pregnancy and delivery. You have arrived home carrying your little bundle of joy. Well, what is next. As a first time parent, you may be too...
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Parenting Tips to have Quality and Fun-Filled Time with Kids

Parenting is never an easy task and no parent is ever perfect. There is no book bound rule for parenting and everyone is free to choose their own style. Parents play an important role in the physical...
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Baby Care Tips; Common Mistakes To Avoid

Whether you are a first-time parent or a seasoned one, you are bound to commit mistakes during parenting. After all, parenting is not a race to win. After the first joy of holding your little one for...
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Baby Care Tips While Starting Solids-The Do’s and Don’ts

Introducing solid foods to your baby’s diet makes them a real eater. However, parents can become quite overwhelmed and confused with the conflicting baby care tips and recommendations. Paediatrici...
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Never Do These 8 Things with Your Newborn

Bringing your little bundle of joy can be a nerve-wracking experience for parents-whether veterans or first-time. Now, it's time to roll up your sleeves and be extra careful on taking care of the newborn...
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Your Ultimate Bathing Guide for Infants

Bath time is the perfect time to bond with your little infant. Between the giggles, coos, splashing and bubbles, you and your baby can fun time together. But, really worried about giving your newborn his...
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Home Remedies for Diaper Rashes

Every new parent has to deal with diaper rashes at some point. Here are some home remedies to help soothe your baby's skin and make them more comfortable. These home remedies for diaper rashes
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Top Natural Remedies to Heal Skin Issues in Babies

That adorable waddle, the toothless grin, tiny hands are sure to melt your heart. Your little munchkin may suffer skin issues from time to time since it is all under a development stage. However, do not go for OTP...
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The Importance of Tracking Child Development Milestones

It’s completely normal for moms to get worried about the child development milestones of their little ones. My baby has not turned over at six months. He has not started walking in ten months...
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Things to Know About Child Development

The past years have taught us the importance of maintaining self immunity. To communicate the importance of nutrition to the masses at large, India observes the National Nutrition Week from...
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How To Track My Baby’s Development With A Baby Growth Chart App

When you're expecting, it's easy to get caught up in all of the planning and preparation. Once your baby arrives, you'll need to start thinking about how you can keep track of its growth and development.
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The Benefits of Using a Child Development Tracker App

If you're a parent, then you know that one of the most important things in your child's life is their development. You want to make sure that they're hitting all of their milestones on time, and that they're
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Constructive behaviors to engage in with children

As parents, there are some positive behaviors you can follow when interacting with kids
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Raising Respectful Kids: Overcoming Rude Behavior with Love and Patience

Discover effective strategies for dealing with rebellious children in this insightful article. Learn tactics like setting clear limits, fostering empathy, and employing positive reinforcement. Explore essential guidelines including remaining calm, establishing clear boundaries, and promoting empathy. Communicate openly, offer positive reinforcement, and lead by example to encourage polite behavior. Adapt these methods to suit your child's age and personality for effective results.
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Routines to ensure that every day is a good day as a parent

the KidsCur calendar can be a useful tool for keeping track of events and helping your child develop a sense of routine. It is critical to be flexible and adapt to your child's needs and interests. Have fun and cherish these beautiful moments with your little one! Enjoy creating memories together!
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Growing Strong: The Importance of Regular Health Checkups for Kids

Frequent health examinations are essential for guaranteeing children's development and well-being. It's similar to taking preventative measures to monitor their development and health from a young age.
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Understanding Emotions: Caring for Communication After Conflict

It's important to begin a conversation with children after a quarrel or argument by showing empathy and compassion. Encourage them to be honest in expressing their opinions and feelings. Tell them you're here to listen to them and to support them, and that it's acceptable to feel angry or annoyed. As you support them through their feelings, you can develop a closer relationship and impart useful conflict-resolution techniques.
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Memory tips to ace your exams.

With the exams around the corner for most of the students, here are some tips that may help boost your memory power and help you ace your exams.
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Knowing Postpartum Depression-The Causes, Effects and Remedies

Having a baby is the most exciting and happiest moment for most of us. But, this may not be the case for all. For most of the first-time mothers, having a baby can be nothing short of an emotional ride...
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