
How do you discipline your child healthily?

There comes a time when every parent struggles with how best to discipline their child. Rather than punishment and what not to do, the positive discipline approach puts an emphasis on developing a healthy relationship with your child and setting expectations around behaviour.

Here are some tips to discipline your child healthily

1)      Plan 1-on-1 time. Spending quality time with your child is essential for building a strong and healthy relationship. One-on-one time with your child can help strengthen your bond, improve communication, and create lasting memories.

Here are some tips for planning 1-on-1 time with your child:

  •   Schedule regular one-on-one time with your child, such as a weekly walk or a special outing.
  •   Choose activities your child enjoys, such as playing a game, reading a book, or doing a craft project.
  •   Make eye contact and engage with your child during the activity, showing genuine interest and attention.
  •   Be present and focused on the activity, removing distractions like phones and other tasks. •    Take turns and listen actively to your child’s thoughts and feelings.

2)       Praise the positives. Praise for your child’s positive behaviour and accomplishments is essential for building self-esteem, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment.

Here are some tips for praising the positives:

  •   Be specific with your praise, highlighting particular behaviours or actions that your child has done well.
  •   Use positive and descriptive language, such as “I’m so proud of you for sharing your toys with your friend.”
  •   Avoid general praise, such as “You’re a good kid,” which can be insincere.
  •   Praise effort and progress, not just results, to encourage persistence and perseverance.
  •   Be consistent and genuine in your praise, showing your child you value and appreciate their efforts.

3)      Set clear expectations – Clear expectations help children understand what is needed and what they can expect from others.

Here are some tips for setting clear expectations:

  •   Be specific and clear when setting expectations, avoiding vague or open-ended requests.
  •   Use positive language, focusing on what you want your child to do rather than what not to do.
  •   Set realistic and achievable expectations, taking into account your child’s age, abilities, and limitations.
  •   Communicate expectations clearly and consistently, avoiding mixed messages or conflicting expectations.
  •   Review and revise expectations as needed, adapting to changes in your child’s needs and circumstances.

Conclusion – Following these tips, you can discipline your child healthily and effectively, promoting positive behaviour and a strong, loving relationship. Remember to stay calm, consistent, and positive, and always prioritise your child’s emotional and physical well-being. To know more, get the app from the link in our Instagram bio.





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