What are the Signs of Growth Spurt?
What are the Signs of Growth Spurt?

What are the Signs of Growth Spurt?

What are the Signs of Growth Spurt?

Growth spurts are an important aspect of a baby’s development which is marked by periods of rapid growth in both size and physical abilities. These spurts typically occur around 2 to 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and again at 9 months.

During a growth spurt, babies experience accelerated development and parents will notice changes in their behavior and routine.

Read this article on signs of growth spurt for in depth knowledge about baby growth spurt. 

Key Signs of a Baby Growth Spurt

There are numerous signs of growth spurt. Read to know about them.

Increased Hunger

One of the most obvious signs that your baby is going through a growth spurt is a sudden increase in hunger. Babies going through growth spurts tend to feed more frequently and for longer periods. Formula-fed babies may need larger or more frequent bottles during this time.

The baby’s body requires extra calories to fuel their rapid growth which is why their hunger levels spike.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

During growth spurts, babies often exhibit changes in their sleep behavior. Some babies may sleep significantly more than usual using the extra rest to support the intense physical changes happening in their body.

On the other hand, some may experience disruptions in their sleep, waking more frequently throughout the night, either for feedings or because of general discomfort. It’s important to offer your baby opportunities for extra sleep as it plays a crucial role in growth and development.

Increased Fussiness

Irritability and fussiness are common during growth spurts. This fussiness can stem from the discomfort associated with rapid physical growth or from the baby’s increased hunger and lack of restful sleep. Babies might cry more, want to be held constantly and seem more difficult to soothe during this time.

While it can be challenging for parents, this phase is typically short-lived, lasting just a few days. Providing extra cuddles, comfort and responsive feeding can help alleviate some of this fussiness.

Noticeable Physical Growth

One of the most visible signs of a growth spurt is sudden physical development. You may notice that your baby seems longer or has outgrown clothes that fit just a few days earlier. Growth spurts involve rapid bone and muscle development.

Frequent Feeding or Nursing Sessions

Whether breastfed or formula-fed, babies going through growth spurts often cluster feed, meaning they may want to nurse or bottle-feed frequently in a short span of time. This ensures they are receiving the calories necessary for growth.

Frequent feeding helps to maintain milk supply in breastfeeding mothers and supports the baby’s nutritional needs.

How to Support Your Baby During a Growth Spurt?

Growth spurts can be exhausting for both parents and babies but there are several ways to manage these phases:

Feed on Demand

Respond to your baby’s hunger cues and offer feedings whenever they seem hungry.

Offer Extra Comfort

Since babies can be fussier, providing extra cuddles, soothing, and attention will help them feel secure during these rapid changes.

Encourage Sleep

Ensure your baby gets enough sleep and allow them to nap more if needed.


Growth spurts are natural and necessary for your baby’s development. While they can disrupt regular routines, they are usually short-lived and result in noticeable changes in your baby’s developmental milestones. 

For guiding you more on what to do when you notice signs of baby growth spurts, contact us. KidsCur can help you with what to do during the growth spurts of your child.  help you with what to do during the growth spurts of your child.  


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